Sunday, March 22, 2009

update yaffa

Ciao a tutti! I always hope you in Italy can read this or find an easy way to get translation. Unfortunately we don't really have great news. Yaffa is still in the same situation .4 days dialisi, tube feeding now only @ night, they turn it off in the day so she can start eating again but she is still having a hard time with that. Nausea and pain mostly, it is a constant juggling act with the medications to make her feel just right. She still has a urinary track infection which they are not giving her antibiotics for and we still don,t know why. We will be meeting again with the doct. next week to understand more. For now it is just unbearable for us to see her still in the same situation. Very little movement, she has not really walked in a really long time now. She is week and tired and in pain but her spirits are pretty good when she is not depressed! That's a daily struggle.Let us know if you understand this . And, Andre', please pass this on to those who still don't know how to read the blog.We will let you know if anything changes ,for now just more of the same, a very, very long road ahead. We hope to see you soon. We hope to give you better news next time. Thank you ,love and peace the girls!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

up date yaffa

Once again, more of the same. Not really worst, but not really better.Just last week she started again with nose feeding because she is not eating well, not putting on weight and not gaining any strength.It is not without problems they had to stop it a few times, today they will change the quality of the "formula" because her potassium is way too high and they dont really know why. So, then they had to stop antibiotics to find out 1 week later she had a UIT urinary track infection, started antibiotics again then realized maybe its not an infection so stop ed again. She is struggling to do her physical therapy, has been able to sit only little bit @ a time not strong enough to walk and the docs, are still talking of discharge without real reason or improvement. She is still on 4 days a week dialysis and no transitional place will even consider taking her unless she is on a 3 day plan. So we are waiting to speak to the entire team for some clarity any day and meanwhile we keep on keeping on!!!!It is a bit crazy making ,not only her 3 steps forward and 5 back but the docs who cannot stick to a plan .We are looking for some stability before talk of discharge and we have not had that yet. Hopefully she will do o.k. with the tube feeding and gain some real strength and weight. We will keep you informed and forgive us again for not writing more often, it is hard. Thank you all for everything and all the support we surely feel. Hope soon to give some better news. We love you and we will write soon again.