Saturday, February 14, 2009

Up date our mom

Ciao a tutti! Sorry again for the time it takes to update. Anyway, after weeks of more or less "status quo" meaning she was eating a bit more, started to take some steps ,sitting up a bit longer everyday ,in the past few days she has gone through some more tests. Her pain increased ,the docs dont really know why. She is not putting on any weight ,not eating again hardly, .They tried a "nuclear" test took blood isolated the white cells, re injected to follow the path and locate the infection. Well, the results of this test does not match perfectly the other tests , so , more confusion. The sure thing is her pain got so bad the last few days they changed meds and started her on morphine which she administrates herself. She does have 2 infections identified by the nuclear test but the antibiotics are not doing the job. The doc explained that the meds do 90 % and then the patients body must do the rest, She is obviously not able to do the rest .So, in a nut shell. she is doing a little worst, it remains a difficult task .They are talking intervenes feeding but it is very high risk for infection and the team is now discussing. She is one of the most complicated and mysterious cases ever seen here. On that note our life is more of the same we are bringing food and spending as much time as we can, she is in pretty good spirits considering. Dialysis is still daily and we are hoping and fighting!Thank you all again for everything and we hope to bring better news next time.