Friday, January 30, 2009


So, so , sorry, it is the very first time we have found the time to sit and write. There is still so much catching up to do. The most important thing is that Yaffa seems to be moving in the right direction not without set backs and difficulties. She is gaining her strength back slowly. She is sitting a bit longer every day ,and eating a bit more consistently . Although this is all good, just yesterday again they found another bacteria which we don't know for sure how, what, where, etc.... We must hope that they will find the right antibiotic. It seems like 4 steps forward and 5 backwards. It remains all a big mystery and the road ahead is long. She seems to be in pretty good spirits most of the time and we are much happier all in all with this place and these docs. Until she is clear of all bugs there will be no talk of discharge and when that time comes we are still working on getting her into the Jewish home for transition.Who knows? It is still a daily struggle with all this bureaucracy.She is still on daily dialysis and is struggling to put on weight. She is doing physical therapy and slowly ,slowly working her way towards walking. Still not really happening Anyway, we cant thank you all enough for hanging in there with us and she also sends her thanks and wishes to soon do it in person. We apologize for the delay in this update but truly the lack of time is still a big issue. No news means we are moving in this direction with no big set backs. Today we will know more about this new ,or maybe old bug they found and if there should be any problem we will let you know. If not it means they will keep bombarding her with antibiotics and hope they do the job! Thank you all again ,we hope next time to have better news. Love from us to all of you .Peace!